EMF Mitigation for High Magnetic Fields

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EMF Magnetic Field Mitigation child's bedroom

High Magnetic Fields

Exterior Net Current Mitigation: EMF Mitigation for Magnetic Fields

Intermittent MF Issues: Exterior-sourced Net Current  EMF Mitigation for Magnetic Fields

Problems in Detail: A child’s bedroom showed a line of higher than anticipated magnetic fields running up the guest bedroom wall from the main electrical panel situated in the garage below.  This article outlines the EMF mitigation for magnetic fields in this home.

Investigations in the garage showed that magnetic fields were high near the metal water main line as well. These magnetic fields were shown to fluctuate at random intervals. This points to Neutral-Ground faults in the house that might have been shunted to earth ground through the metal water pipe rather than dedicated earth ground. Possibly that there was a wiring fault in the neighborhood and the electrical current from a neighbor’s electrical fault is entering this house through the metal water pipe.

EMF Mitigation for Magnetic Fields

EMF High Magnetic Fields MF child’s bedroom

Magnetic Fields before Mitigation

Location Range of Magnetic Field Strengths
Ambient levels near the metal water pipe 1.81 mG (milligauss)
Against the metal water pipe Between 5.63 and 20.83 mG
Against the Wall Between 5.59 and 9.50 mG
1’ from the Wall (where the crib) Between 1.22 and 5.81 mG


Building Biology guidelines regarding levels of concern for magnetic fields describes these levels as being of Moderate Concern (>1 mG) and High Concern (>5 mG). These concerns are especially for areas where exposure is for long duration, such as in bedrooms or home offices. The World Health Organization cancer research institute, IARC (Internation Agency for Research on Cancer), evaluated low frequency magnetic fields in 2002 and classified them in category 2B. Category 2B translates to “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” This was due to epidemiological results related to childhood leukemia. ” Research supports the value of EMF mitigation for magnetic fields to reduce health risks, particularly in a child’s room.

For Reference – The IARC report studying EMF was: IARC Monographs Volume 80 in 2002.

Wiring Investigation and Mitigation: Working with an electrician, we were able to find one Neutral-Ground fault on an electrical appliance in the home. Other error checking pointed to the majority of the net current issue as coming in from a neighborhood wiring fault that is being distributed on metal water pipes (an Exterior Net Current Issue). The electrician was guided to install a dedicated earth ground to bond the metal water pipe. A plumber was also brought in to install a dielectric union to insulate the house ground from the metal water main line. After mitigation the new magnetic field levels were measured to verify the corrections had fixed the intermittent magnetic field issue.

EMF Mitigation for Magnetic Fields

EMF Magnetic Fields after mitigation in child’s bedroom


EMF Mitigation for Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields after Mitigation

Immediate Results after Exterior Net Current Mitigation:

Location Range of Magnetic Field Strengths
Ambient levels near the metal water pipe 0.45 mG
Against the metal water pipe above the dielectric union Between 0.39 and 0.46 mG
Against the Wall Between 1.48 and 1.60 mG
1’ from the Wall (where the crib) Between 0.28 and 0.32 mG


The Building Biology guidelines regarding the levels of concern for magnetic fields describes these levels as being of No Concern (<0.2 mG) and Slight Concern (>0.2 and <1 mG).

EMF Mitigation for Magnetic Fields

EMF Magnetic Field Mitigation



It should be noted that Building Biology guidelines for level of concern consider the most natural state as being the ideal. As such, “No” or “Slight” levels of concern are difficult to reach in the urban/suburban environment. These levels are not impossible, however. For cost efficacy, our clients are usually content with reaching “No” or “Slight” (Low) or even low-“Severe” (Low-Moderate) levels of concern as indicated by the Building Biology guidelines in these urban/suburban settings.  You can search for “EMF spectrum” online for a visual representation of where different forms of EMF fall on the continuum. For a complete overview of published health related effects from exposure to all types of electromagnetic radiation, I suggest the Bioinitiative Report which is available for $2 online.

By: Cameron Freres; Environmental Inspector, EMF Consultant