Water Quality Resources – 2011
These websites offer great information about drinking water quality. There are many water quality resources out there, and we cannot list them all, but we feel these are useful resources for most people looking for a primer. Hopefully we’ve done a good job providing enough variety to satisfy most people’s thirst for water quality resources.
This year we offer links are from governmental agencies and non-profits.
Water Quality Resources:
- The United States Geological Survey has a nice summary about what quality, and even some information about do-it-yourself water testing. Of course our water quality testing packages are much more comprehensive and precise, but if you are on a budget and have concerns this may be a good option. Your local (city or county) health inspector or health department may also have free water testing services available.
- The US Environmental Protection Agency – Groundwater & Drinking Water page has good general information about drinking water, and some very specific recommendations for people drawing drinking water from wells. Well water is not tested by governmental agencies, and it’s up to the land owner/tenant to periodically test the water. Bacteria are common in untreated well water, and if the soils in your area naturally have heavy metals or you’re near a known source of pesticides, metals, or petroleum byproducts (farming, gas stations), then testing for other contaminants may be prudent.
- The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a wonderful source of news and general information about many environmental health issues. In this section they share information about water quality.
Every year we will review and update this resource list. The intent is to have a list of easily accessible websites and resources to share with our clients and community.
High level informational resources about water quality are available and we encourage folks to check out these sites if you have any health/environmental-related questions about water quality.Our lists strive to be short and concise, and only include the best resources so as not to overwhelm the reader.
How much do you know about drinking water quality? Test your knowledge by perusing these sites. I bet you’ll learn something new!
Let us know if you appreciate these links, or if you have other sites you’d like to suggest!
At least once a year we plan on updating this list of our favorite sites on water quality issues.