“Healthy Building Inspections” transitions to “Healthy Building Science”
I admit this is my first time.
It’s hard to know where to begin. The previous few posts were created by our web designer who cut and pasted links from our old site into a few blog entries so the data wasn’t lost. Later this year we will attempt to update resource lists relevant to our primary services – air and water quality, EMF, green building, etc.
Moving forward our posts should have more content about specific service offerings, but this post is about the business itself and our new name.
HBI was born back in 2009/2010. I always believed that the environmental testing and inspections portion of the business would prevail, and that the green building consulting market was relatively saturated, so originally I chose “Healthy Building Inspections” for the business name. From there I built up a comprehensive service menu around various environmental inspection and testing options… and used a logo my cousin helped create that stressed “inspections” by use of a magnifying glass.
As time went on our books continually proved me wrong. While the volume of inquiries for Healthy Building Inspections always outnumbers those for Green Building Consulting, the longer-term green building projects remain a solid 50% of revenues. There remains a strong market demand for “green and healthy” building consulting. Owners, architects, General Contractors, etc., are in need of professional guidance when navigating rating systems (e.g., LEED, Green Point Rated), and for every 100 energy efficiency consultants available there must be less than 1 “healthy building” consultant. So we’re filling an important niche in the design/building industry.
Enter 2012. The business is growing. We now have an Office Manager, Environmental Inspector, and Green Building Consultant on staff.
Our niche of providing expert and user-friendly environmental testing is growing and shows no bounds. But as the business grows and my devotion to green building consulting has never waned, the team decided it was time for a name that was more inclusive of our design/construction consulting services. We needed a broader umbrella.
So we sat around a white board and brainstormed. It has to be short, catchy, inclusive of all our services, and have an available URL.
“Healthy Building” is at our core, but the name was already spoken for and it may too easily be confused for a construction company. “Building Science” is also our core, but the URL is taken and our services are not too well construed in those two words. But when you combine these two phrases you get a unique pairing of words that captures the essence of our Environmental Testing AND Green Building Consulting services.
“Healthy Building Science” was born.
Over the next couple months we will launch the updated website, create new brochures and business cards, and transition to our new emails.
It’s an exciting time for our small business.
Stay tuned and hopefully our growth and project stories will capture your interest – and you, too, will be hooked on Healthy Building Science!
Alex Stadtner