Green Cleaning Products

For Our Home, Our Health, and Our Environment: Green Cleaning Products A regular and thorough cleaning regime is important in maintaining a healthy indoor environment. The cleaning products we use, however, can have adverse health effects. Most household cleaners can contain a plethora of chemicals. Overexposure to these chemicals can cause a variety of health
Top 10 Tips to Look for Water Damage and Mold in Buildings Every year the rains return, soil dampens, leaks pop up, and mold in buildings becomes much more prevalent than during dry times. This winter’s forecast “El Niño” may bring more rain and possible flooding than California has seen in a decade. Many of
Indoor Air Quality and Brain Performance The Harvard School of Public Health recently released results of a small study that supports what green building enthusiasts have known for years – Indoor Air Quality and Brain Performance are directly connected. While small (24 real people), the double-blind study appears to have been well crafted and executed under exacting controls. The researchers
Mold, Moisture and El Nino  Now that the days are shorter and a few rain storms have come through the region, we can’t help but feel that winter is officially here. With all this talk about El Nino, some people are left wondering where is it? Mold, moisture and El Nino go together. Is your