Low Prices often equal Low Quality - You get what you pay for?
Lumber Liquidators Formaldehyde Testing Recent investigative journalism exposed a Lumber Liquidators formaldehyde content issue and revealed an unfortunate tale that may affect hundreds of thousands of homes across the US. During active federal investigations for suspicion of using illegally harvested lumber from Russia, it turns out one of the largest flooring distributors in the US

EMF in Schools, CHPS Takes a Stand

CHPS Adopts EMF Credits
EMF in Schools – Collaboration for High Performance Schools For many years CHPS has been a leader in identifying sustainable and healthy building trends for school buildings. Long before LEED for Schools, there was the Collaboration for High Performance Schools Criterion and scorecard. This rating system has been tested and proven effective, and recently has

EMF Equipment

EMF Equipment_Body Voltage test Kit
EMF Equipment Recommendations for Non-professionals Concerned that you might have an EMF related issue at your home or office but not ready to hire a professional to come out and perform an investigation?  Interested in the subject of EMF related issues and EMF equipment, but do not have thousands of dollars handy to buy the
flame retardant-free furniture
HBS Joins Major Buyers Demanding Flame Retardant-Free Furniture In December, the Center for Environmental Health published a list of companies that are signing onto a commitment to purchase flame retardant-free furniture. Healthy Building Science joined the CEH Purchaser Pledge to purchase furniture without these toxic chemical additives. Other partners include Facebook, Kaiser Permanente, HDR Architecture, Perkins+Will,