Better Business = Beyond Green Business
Business means more than maximizing profits for shareholders. It’s time for triple bottom line accounting.
Healthy Building News from GreenBuild 2012
Monday, 19 November 2012
Healthy Building News from GreenBuild 2012 More than 30,000 attendees from across the world swarmed into San Francisco for this year’s international GreenBuild conference. The conference is hosted every year by the US Green Building Council, and it’s by far the largest green building conference in the US. GreenBuild is, by default, mostly LEED-centric, but
- Published in Business, Environmental Testing
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Green Building Logos can be scary…
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Some Green Building Logos Are Scary… Green Building logos are full of leaves and trees. Use Google Images (“green building logo”) and that’s just about all you’ll see. It’s overdone. We struggled with these logo concepts when coming up with our new logo. How do you quickly illustrate nature-loving and “green” without a leaf or plant?
- Published in Business, Green Building Consulting
“Healthy Building Inspections” transitions to “Healthy Building Science”
Saturday, 18 February 2012
“Healthy Building Inspections” transitions to “Healthy Building Science” Blogging. I admit this is my first time. It’s hard to know where to begin. The previous few posts were created by our web designer who cut and pasted links from our old site into a few blog entries so the data wasn’t lost. Later this year
- Published in Business
Water Quality Resources – 2011
Thursday, 01 December 2011
These websites offer great information about drinking water quality. There are many water quality resources out there, and we cannot list them all, but we feel these are useful resources for most people looking for a primer. Hopefully we’ve done a good job providing enough variety to satisfy most people’s thirst for water quality resources.
- Published in Business