Cleaning After Fire
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Cleaning After Fire The October 2017 California Fires in Northern California were devastating. Northern California will be dealing with the death and destruction of recent wildfires for years. The immediate life safety concerns about fire are obvious and frightening, but what many don’t realize is that returning to fire damaged buildings is also hazardous. Cleaning
- Published in Environmental Testing, Healthy Building Inspections & Testing
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LEEDv4 IAQ Testing – New Credit Highlights for IEQ
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
LEEDv4 IAQ Testing Requirements Industrial hygienists across the US have been watching the USGBC as they’ve updated the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Testing Credit for Post-Construction. LEEDv4 IAQ Testing requirements have changed since LEEDv2009. Many health and healthy building advocates hoped they would lower the allowable levels of formaldehyde, but due to industry uproar that did
- Published in Environmental Testing, Green Building Consulting
Indoor Air Pollution Near Busy Roads
Wednesday, 07 September 2016
Indoor Air Pollution Near Busy Roads Freeways and other busy roads are sources of elevated auto emissions and indoor air pollution. These emissions can be harmful to human health for both people on the roads and people working, walking, and living nearby. Nearly 20% of the United States population lives near a high volume road,
- Published in Environmental Testing, Healthy Building Inspections & Testing
Stealth Meters
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
“Stealth” Power Meters: Analog Meters with Hidden Transmitters A client recently shared their experiences regarding a stealth power meter that had been installed on their home. The following has been anonymized: We had opted out of the Smart Meter program about a year ago. The electric company had come out and swapped in an analog
- Published in Environmental Testing, Healthy Building Inspections & Testing
Spring – The Perfect Season for an Environmental Building Inspection
Wednesday, 06 May 2015
Spring – The Perfect Season for an Environmental Building Inspection Since relocating to the Bay Area, I have to say that I miss the full four seasons of Oregon. I don’t really miss the hard deep freeze of winters, nor the asphalt-bubbling heat waves of late July, but I do miss watching the ground awaken
- Published in Healthy Building Inspections & Testing
New Home Purchase? Magnetic Field Guidelines
Friday, 27 March 2015
Magnetic Field Guidelines for the New Home EMF is a broad umbrella term encompassing many aspects of electromagnetic issues that can affect human health. Subcatagories of EMF issues include RF Radiation (also known as ElectroMagnetic Radiation [EMR]), Interior/Exterior Magnetic Fields, Interior/ Exterior Electric Fields, Transient Voltage Fluctuations (also known as Dirty Electricity or ElectroMagnetic Interference
- Published in Environmental Testing, Healthy Building Inspections & Testing
EMF Mitigation for High Magnetic Fields
Friday, 14 November 2014
High Magnetic Fields Exterior Net Current Mitigation: EMF Mitigation for Magnetic Fields Intermittent MF Issues: Exterior-sourced Net Current EMF Mitigation for Magnetic Fields Problems in Detail: A child’s bedroom showed a line of higher than anticipated magnetic fields running up the guest bedroom wall from the main electrical panel situated in the garage below. This
- Published in Healthy Building Inspections & Testing
What is Asbestos?
Friday, 31 October 2014
What is Asbestos? How Dangerous Is It and What Is It Doing In My House? These are all questions we’ve asked ourselves at one point or another. We’ve all wondered WHY would something as potentially carcinogenic have been used with near abandon for so long? Why would this potential carcinogen be lurking our homes, our